Dr. Harrier has 12 years experience of working in the schools as a LSSP (Licensed Specialist in School Psychology).  She is also a Licensed Psychologist in the state of Texas.

Dr. Harrier has extensive knowledge of the ARD/ IEP and 504 process from her experience in the schools.  She has worked the elementary, middle school, and high school setting.  She also has experience with the transitional programs. 

Dr. Harrier has extensive experience in social emotional testing, neuropsychological testing, intellectual/ cognitive testing, academic testing, autism, LD, AD/HD, and developmental testing. 

Dr. Harrier approaches advocacy as collaboration between the family and the school.  She believes in decorum, planning, and follow up. 

Dr. Harrier also believes that an advocate does not have to be in the meeting, as often the pre-planning with families and schools can bridge the confusion, concerns, etc. that both may have. 

Consulting for ARDS/ IEPS/ 504